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The Blog for Petcare Tips, Stories, Wellness & More!

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Why Can’t My Dog Eat Chocolate?

The average person consumes around 2 pounds of chocolate every year and while it is a delicious treat for humans, chocolate is incredibly toxic for dogs and can even be life threatening. In this article, we look at why chocolate is toxic to dogs and investigate what to do if your dog gets ahold of that sweet treat.

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Dogs & Hot Cars

As temperatures rise and summer begins, we need to keep our pet's safety at the forefront of our minds. Even leaving your pet in a hot car for just a second can prove to be a fatal mistake. Temperatures can rise to dangerous levels very quickly and these elevated temperatures can put your pet at risk for heat stroke. Even if the window is cracked, you should never leave your dog alone in the car. In some states, it is even illegal. Avoid these unfortunate mishaps by practicing summer safety.

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Have a Healthy and Happy Earth Day with Your Pet

The ongoing quest to “go green” returns to the forefront of our minds every April 22nd as we strive to protect our planet and celebrate Earth Day. Over the years, more eco-conscious efforts have grown as many pet owners work to reduce their pet’s ecological “paw prints.” But what can one pet parent do? There are many small ways to help our pets, the community, and the environment. Here are some fun ideas on how to celebrate Earth Day in a pet-friendly way.

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Ease Your Pet’s Separation Anxiety with Music

Music is a universal language that invigorates us to move, feel, and think! Just like how we use certain tunes and sounds to calm ourselves, dogs can also benefit from listening to music. Does your dog get scared during thunderstorms or fireworks?Do outside and unfamiliar noises make them nervous? Do they suffer from separation anxiety? The right playlist could help relieve your pet’s stress and anxiety.

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Are Table Scraps Bad For My Dog?

The holidays are typically the time for sharing and more importantly, caring. When it comes to sharing food from the delicious holiday spread, you may want to think twice about passing scraps to your pet. It can be especially tempting to offer tasty table treats to your pet, but the leftovers could have a serious impact on your pet’s health. Below are some of the dangers of feeding your pet table scraps and why puppy dog. Eyes aren't always an excuse.

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