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The Blog for Petcare Tips, Stories, Wellness & More!

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Healthy Tips for Your Dog This Spring and Summer

As we enter the spring and summer months, you and your pet will likely be spending more time in nature. Along with the changing weather, it is important to make sure your pet is properly protected from health issues stemming from the change in season. We have listed a few of the most prevalent issues for pets and the steps you can take to keep your pet safe.

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What is Kennel Cough?

Kennel Cough (Canine Infectious Tracheobronchitis) can sound scary at first and even though it is considered highly contagious in areas with a lot of dogs, it is very common and treatable! Today, we are going to look at the causes, symptoms, and treatments of Kennel Cough.

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Why Can’t My Dog Eat Chocolate?

The average person consumes around 2 pounds of chocolate every year and while it is a delicious treat for humans, chocolate is incredibly toxic for dogs and can even be life threatening. In this article, we look at why chocolate is toxic to dogs and investigate what to do if your dog gets ahold of that sweet treat.

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Helping Your Pet Shed Those Extra Pounds

According to the Association of Pet Obesity Prevention, 39% of dog owners believe their pet is overweight while 45% of cat owners believe their cat is overweight. Managing your pet’s weight is key to ensuring that they may live a long and healthy life. While each pet is unique and you should consult your vet for a specific plan, here are a few ways you can help your pets shed those pounds and keep them off.

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Ways to help your local shelter

Local animal shelters play a vital role in communities when searching for a new pet or returning pets to a loved one. Most of the time, these shelters rely on community support and volunteers to keep their doors open. Here are a few ways that you can help your local shelter.

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Importance of Regular Vet Visits

Whether you are bringing home your first pet or you’ve had one in the family for years, taking them to a veterinarian on a regular schedule will help them stay clear of any preventable health issues. Here are four reasons why visiting a veterinarian will keep your pet in perfect health.

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