Tips for Potty Training Your New Puppy


Learning how to potty train a new puppy is one of the most important first steps you can take for a happy household. While welcoming a new family member brings a lot of excitement, it can also be a challenge in the beginning, especially while starting to potty train. Luckily, we have some tips for you to avoid too many accidents!


Buy Cleaning Products

There are going to be a lot of accidents in the beginning of the potty-training journey and those are common. Being prepared with items such as pet safe cleaning solution, paper towels, poop bags, and pee pads will help make the process a lot smoother.

While pee pads will help with absorbing the accident, getting it cleaned up quickly is a great way to avoid any confusion on where they should be going. Also, be sure that your pet is getting comfortable with the outdoors so they can also get used to starting to use the restroom outside.

Watch For Signs

As the personality of your pet develops, so will their signs that they need to use the restroom. Watching for them to give you hints that they may need to go outside and acting upon it will prevent further accidents indoors. Common signs may include pawing at your leg, scratching at the door, or whimpering. Some people choose to use the bell method which is just a bell or two hung from a doorknob that the puppy can use to alert that they need to go outside. While this is a very effective method due to the noise the bell makes to alert you, it can get abused as a toy and not a method of warning.


Give Them Praise

Think about when you reach a major goal or accomplishment. You want to hear a β€œwell done” or β€œgood job,” right? Your puppy is the same exact way! Rewarding your pet with praise is their version of telling them that they did a good job. Maybe throw in a treat or some extra time off the leash when they do a good job. Giving praise can be inserted into multiple areas of this journey. If they show you a sign that they need to use the restroom, praise them so that they learn that giving you a notice is a good thing.

You will repeat each of these steps time and time again throughout your potty training process. However, if you follow these steps, your new dog will be house trained in no time!


Do you have other tips for potty training? We’d love to hear them! Send them to us on Facebook or Instagram!


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