What are Hot Spots?

Have you ever had to deal with your dog getting hotspots? What are hotspots? What causes them? How can I give my poor pup some much needed relief? Dr. Mann may have the answers you need!

what Are Hot Spots?

Hot Spots, or officially known as acute moist dermatitis, are one of the most common skin conditions that can affect your beloved pup. Hot spots appear as red, wet, swollen, and irritated patches of skin that can occur anywhere on your dog’s body, but are more commonly found on their head, limbs, and tails. It can be tough for owners to watch their dogs deal with such an irritating condition, but there are ways to treat, and even prevent this skin condition from happening.

What Causes Hot Spots?

Hot spots usually start as small areas of skin inflammation and bacterial infection, that can cause dogs to excessively itch. Constant licking, scratching, or chewing can result in spreading and worsening the condition, causing the dog to feel even more itchy. This cycle of scratching and itching can initially be started by several different causes:If you are worried about your dog’s grass-eating habit, always consult your local veterinarian to make sure there are no other underlying conditions to address!

·      Food Allergies

·      Flea and other insect bites

·      Parasites

·      Moisture trapped in their coats from swimming or a bath

·      Dirty or matted coats

·      Stress or boredom that results in excessive licking

Hot spots can occur at any point throughout the year, but they frequently appear during the warmer months when there is high humidity, or more moisture in the air. Many of the above listed causes can be chronic conditions and can lead to recurring hot spots if they aren’t properly addressed. Even some breeds of dogs, such as Golden Retrievers, St. Bernard’s, Rottweilers, etc., are genetically predisposed to hot spots due to their thicker coats.

HowDo I Treat or Prevent Hot Spots On My Dog?

If your dog is showing signs of developing a hot spot, such as excessive itching or swelling, it’s important to visit your veterinarian as soon as possible. Waiting and seeing if the affected areas will get better on their own may only cause the issue to become worse. It is vital to properly treat the underlying conditions that are causing these hot spots to develop, so seeking your veterinarian’s assistance can be crucial in helping provide relief to your four-legged loved one!


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