Activities For You and Your Pet


Including your pet in activities is a great way to improve their health and create a strong bond between the two of you.  Whether you are improving cardiovascular health or just sharing a meal together, here are 5 different activities that you can do with your beloved pet.

Go for a Jog

Finding a new trail or park to explore would not only provide cardiovascular benefits but also a nice change in scenery. For felines, consider getting a backpack with a window or even a harness so they’re able to join the fun.

Enjoy Some Yoga

Did you know that dogs inspired a pose in yoga? Can you guess which one? Downward-facing dog is one of the many yoga positions that are known to increase flexibility, improve energy, and prevent possible injuries. Your pet may not be able to do every pose, but getting together for some relaxing morning stretches is sure to improve everyone’s mood.

Go to the Beach

There is a good chance that cats won’t enjoy this one as much as dogs, but a beach day is a perfect opportunity to soak up some vitamin D. Taking your dog to the beach allows them to run around and swim, which is a great low-impact activity for both you and them. Always check local regulations and leash laws to see which areas are pet friendly.

Movie Night

Whether you’re cuddling your dog or your cat, snuggling for a movie night is the perfect way to sit back and enjoy some downtime. With the busyness of life, sometimes you just need a night to relax with your pets. A movie night is an easy way for the whole family to gain some valuable quality time together.

Dinner Date

What could be better than sitting down with your pet for a nice dinner? With Veterinary Select, your pet will have an amazing meal just like you! Humans need certain nutritional care in their life and so do your pets. With options like joint care, digestive care, and weight management, we offer a balanced diet to ensure proper nutrition in their life stage.


What other activities do you do with your pet? We want to see it! Share it with us on Facebook and Instagram!


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