Why is My Dog Eating Grass?

Do you ever wonder what causes dogs to eat grass, even when it upsets their stomach? We may be able to tell you why!

Lack of Fiber & Nutrition

One reason that dogs may crave grass could be due to a lack of fiber in their diet. Grass is very high in fiber, so if they are not receiving a correct amount of fiber in their food, it can help add bulk to pass a stool. By adding this roughage, it helps their natural bodily processes to flow more smoothly. Another reason that a dog may eat grass could be that their food lacks other nutrients that are important for their overall health. Grass is high in folic acid which is highly beneficial for DNA and red blood cell production.

If you notice this occurring often, talk to your vet about switching your pets food to one that fits their nutritional needs. Constant grazing can be dangerous as ingesting grass may lead to them consuming parasites like a hookworm or roundworm. Herbicides and Pesticides are common methods used to treat lawns and gardens and could cause gastrointestinal upset.

Taste and Texture

It is common to worry that a dog eating grass is a sign of an underlying health condition, but they may just enjoy the taste and texture of it. Blooming grass can smell tantalizingly delicious to some pets and to others, the fresh dew on the grass in the morning could offer a tasty alternative to their water bowl.

If you are worried about your dog’s grass-eating habit, always consult your local veterinarian to make sure there are no other underlying conditions to address!


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