Importance of Regular Vet Visits


Whether you are bringing home your first pet or you’ve had one in the family for years, taking them to a veterinarian on a regular schedule will help them stay clear of any preventable health issues. Here are four reasons why visiting a veterinarian will keep your pet in perfect health.


Vaccinations are used to prevent serious and potentially fatal diseases in pets. Just like humans need certain vaccines at certain stages in their life, so do animals. During a pet's newborn life cycle they will need to receive their core vaccines.

For dogs, these can include:

  • Canine Distemper/Adenovirus-2

  • Parvovirus

  • Parainfluenza

  • Rabies

For cats, these can include:

  • Feline Rhinotracheitis Virus/Herpesvirus 1 (FVR/FHV-1)

  • Feline Calicivirus (FCV)

  • Feline Panleukopenia (FPV)

  • Rabies

Other vaccines, known as noncore vaccines, can be administered later and may include vaccines like canine influenza, bordetella, and feline leukemia.


One of the most important parts of visiting a veterinarian on a regular schedule is to make sure your pet is receiving the proper nutrition. If your veterinarian recommends a specific diet, be sure to follow their guidance. Ask your Vet about Veterinary Select and save on the Rx food bills if possible.

Heartworm Tests

Heartworms are caused by parasites that spread through mosquito bites. Both cats and dogs are susceptible to heartworm disease and if left untreated, they can cause large problems. Your veterinarian can perform a heartworm test to make sure that your pet does not already have it and will give you preventative medicine if the test is negative. This medicine usually looks like a treat and is very easy to administer to your pet.

Dental Cleanings

Though it is often overlooked, a regular dental cleaning can help prevent oral diseases that can make your pet feel sick. Periodontal disease can begin to show signs by 3 years of age. Certain treats are designed to help with tartar build-up, but professional dental exams and cleanings will ensure your pet is getting the correct dental care.


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