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The Blog for Petcare Tips, Stories, Wellness & More!

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Distract Your Dog During Football Season

The game is on! Football season is in full-swing and with every kick off, there’s a lonely pup looking for some distractions while you yell at your television set or entertain your guests. There are many ways to keep your dog distracted varying from treats to toys to hiring some help to check on your furry friend during game time. Below is a list of distractions to keep your dog occupied while you scarf down some chicken wings and brew.

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Why is my pet so itchy?

Is the sound of your pet itching all night, nipping at its tail or constantly licking their paws making you uncomfortable or keeping you up at night? Imagine how your pet must feel. An itchy pet is an uncomfortable and unhappy pet. Your pet may scratch, lick, or chew for a few different reasons, varying from allergies to boredom to medical conditions. Here are some reasons your pet may be scratching excessively.

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Pet First Aid Kit: What You Need

Emergencies happen all the time whether you are traveling, out around town or when you are at home. It is always best to be prepared, and when you have pets, you need to be extra prepared with a dog First Aid Kit. When your pet suffers an illness, injury, or even poisoning, it is important to know what to do.

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