Distract Your Dog During Football Season


The game is on! Football season is in full-swing and with every kick off, there’s a lonely pup looking for some distractions while you yell at your television set or entertain your guests. There are many ways to keep your dog distracted varying from treats to toys to hiring some help to check on your furry friend during game time. Below is a list of distractions to keep your dog occupied while you scarf down some chicken wings and brew.  

Edible Distractions

Distracting your pet is an art at times. If you have places to be and games to watch, you don’t want your dog feeling left out and alone. There are plenty of tasty ways to distract your pet while you’re away. 

  • DYI Popsicles: All you need is treats, water, and an ice cube tray. Put a treat in each compartment of the tray and fill it with water then freeze the items. The frozen treats will be a fantastic distraction while you enjoy the game.

  • Scavenger Hunt: For this game, all you need is treats and a little bit of time. Hide treats throughout the house and when you leave, your pet will be able to sniff out the goodies.

  • Peanut Butter in Hollow Toy: Grab a hollow toy and fill it with all-natural peanut butter. It could take your dog a few hours to clean the gooey goodness from the toy. In order to keep the fun going, freeze the toy after stuffing it.


Entertaining Distractions

Your dog could be distracted for hours with a new toy to kick around or a silly cartoon. It depends on what keeps your dog’s attention for the longest amount of time. Some pups might want to chew on something new while others might prefer to watch squirrels prance outside or on the television.

  • Window Seat: Just like humans, your pup loves people watching. This isn't limited to people, but also squirrels, other dogs or even the mailman. Set up a comfortable seat by the window so your dog can see what’s happening in your neighborhood. A glass door would also work for hours of entertainment.

  • Turn on TV: All you need to do is turn on the TV for your dog to enjoy hours of binge-watching fun. There’s always good ol’ fashioned cable but a few streaming services offer dog specific TV shows.

  • New Toy: Next time you’re at the store, grab a new toy for your dog. The new toy adds excitement to their day while you’re keeping track of the score. A tough chew toy would be the best option, just in case your pet tends to gobble up toys or a puzzle toy.

Companionship Distractions

Everyone needs friends, including your four-legged bestie but we can’t always bring our furry friend around town. Finding a friend to entertain your pup while you’re away is a great socialization exercise and also a win for you. You can watch the whole game and not worry about your dog being lonely.

  • Hire a Dog Walker: If you have to be away from your dog for an extended day trip, hire a dog walker. There are several apps you can use to find a reliable and helpful human including, Rover and Wag. Another option would be to ask a trust-worthy neighbor to stop by and check on your pup.

  • Adopt Another Pet: Most dogs enjoy the company of other dogs. Adopting another pet isn’t always the answer but owning an additional pup would help to distract your current pet and would add some love to your life. Check your local shelter listings to find a new playmate for your four-legged bestie.

  • Playdates or Doggy Daycare: If you can’t adopt another pet, you can still find friends to distract your dog during game days. Playdates are always an option, just find a friend who doesn’t like sports but enjoys canine companionship and might have their own dog. Doggy daycares are also available in most cities but be prepared to hand over some cash.

You don’t have to feel bad about leaving your pet to watch the game. There are options to distract your pet through tasty treat games, entertaining shows and people watching, as well as cuddly companionship.


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