Why is my pet so itchy?


Is the sound of your pet itching all night, nipping at its tail or constantly licking their paws making you uncomfortable or keeping you up at night? Imagine how your pet must feel. An itchy pet is an uncomfortable and unhappy pet. Your pet may scratch, lick, or chew for a few different reasons, varying from allergies to boredom to medical conditions. Here are some reasons your pet may be scratching excessively.


Allergies could be the reason that your pet is itching uncontrollably and exposure to allergens can occur in numerous ways. According to the Pet Health Network, exposure to allergens can happen through inhalation, topical exposure, or ingestion. All these methods of exposure can result in a cascade of inflammatory chemicals from cells in the skin. Inhalation is often caused by environmental triggers, including mold around the house and pollen outside. Pets can encounter topical allergens when they come in contact with substances like the wrong soap or pesticides from rolling around in the grass. Try switching up shampoos and even add a soothing conditioner. A pet's allergy to certain foods can also cause them to itch in excess. If that is the case for your pet, switching to a limited ingredient diet could be the best option for your pet.

 Just like humans, pets can also show physical responses to psychological upset. Humans may show anxious behaviors by biting their nails, tapping their foot, or fiddling with their hair. According to Fetch by Web MD, some dogs develop a condition akin to human obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD. They say it can manifest itself in scratching, licking, or chewing behaviors that could cause severe damage like hot spots. Hot spots are localized areas of skin inflammation and bacterial infection and according to the American Kennel Club, can be treated by your vet. An early diagnosis and picking the right treatment for your pet’s itch is the best thing to do. Make sure your dog receives enough exercise, attention, and love. You can try to train your dog to chew on toys or bones to relieve stress as a replacement for chewing or licking behaviors.


There are many skin conditions that could also be causing a pet to itch excessively, although some pets are naturally itchy. Winter weather and fatty acid deficiencies could be the reason that pets are responding by biting and scratching themselves. Your pet may also experience a hormonal imbalance which can lead to overall discomfort for your dog or cat. Superficial skin infections can occur if your pet’s body is not producing enough thyroid hormone or putting out too much of the hormone cortisol which is when you could notice bald spots. Talk to your vet to see if you can find out any deficiencies that your dog may have. A simple supplement could do the trick to get your dog back to its boisterous, playful self.

 If your pet is physically uncomfortable, they can’t tell you, but they will show you that something is wrong. An indicator of some form of pain can be scratching, biting, or licking skin often, according to Vets Now. They could have a thorn or sharp stone stuck in their foot pad that causes discomfort and makes it nearly impossible to stop itching. You will need to do a full-body check of your pet. If you cannot find an obvious issue, a trip to your vet is the best course of action. Compulsive chewing or licking can also be a response to orthopedic problems, including arthritis and hip dysplasia, which would require a vet diagnosis.

Regular trips to the vet’s office can prevent some of the main causes of uncontrollable itching like fleas, ticks, and mites. You can’t assume that your dog isn’t affected by parasites just because you can’t see them. Your pet could have been stung or bitten when outside playing in the yard, on a hike, or on your daily neighborhood stroll. It is very important to have year-round preventative medication to prevent such pests, especially if you spend a lot of time outdoors or surrounded by other pets.


You must remember that while you may be irritated by your dog’s itch, they are genuinely suffering and need to be diagnosed and treated without delay. Pay attention to your dog’s coat and general health to prevent some of the conditions that lead to itching. According to Vets Now, you can do this by grooming your dog regularly, feeding a high-quality diet that is rich in omega-3s like Veterinary Select, and keeping up to date with flea and worm treatment. Always be aware of hazardous substances that could be toxic, avoid overgrown grassy areas that are home to bugs, and keep your pet’s environment dry and clean.


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