How to Adopt a Rescue Cat


If you are thinking about adopting a cat, consider all variables, including cost, lifestyle, and any adjustments you might need to make to ensure a happy cat and a happier home. Aside from purchasing all the essentials from food to litter boxes, make sure you are ready to be a cat owner. Many cat owners will joke that the cat is the actual owner. With careful consideration about your new shelter cat, you will be set for years of companionship.


So, you have decided to adopt a cat, now what? Before you go to the shelter to pick out your new family member, be prepared. Bringing home a pet is a big responsibility, and you need to be sure you know what to expect, what to do, and how to handle a new cat. Do your research about felines and know the facts beforehand to prepare for surprises down the road.

Consider the price of adopting a new pet and ensure you are ready for the fiscal responsibility of a new pet. Vet bills and other random expenses can often be surprising. You also should consider your current lifestyle. Ask yourself, does my day-to-day accommodate the care and keeping of a cat? If your answer is yes, start preparing your home.

Cat-tify Your Home

Get rid of all hazards before your new cat enters their new home to help create a safe place for your feline friend. Cat-proofing your home allows you to think like a cat and remove anything that could potentially harm them. Get rid of items your cat could chew on or potentially swallow. Cats can be known for knocking items off shelves and counters, so it is advisable to remove any breakable items from surfaces.

Once you remove hazards, create a safe room in your home for your cat. It does not have to be an entire room. It can be a room corner or closet that is rarely used. This allows your cat to have a place to unwind and call its own. Cats can often be territorial.

Shopping List for New Cat Owner

Bringing home a new cat means you will need a few items to help settle your feline friend into their new home. Your cat will feel like family much sooner if you have items specifically for them.

The Essentials :

  • Secure, comfortable cat bed

  • Tall (and tough) scratching post

  • Place to perch

  • Enrichment toys

  • Cat brush

  • A better litter pail

  • Cleaning supplies for hairballs and litter-box

  • Durable pet carrier

  • Large litter box

  • Cat litter that controls stink and tracks less litter out of the box

  • Vet Select Cat Food

  • Food and water dishes

  • Water fountain

  • Catnip

Find a Vet

It is time to find your new cat a vet once they are acclimated to their space. You may already be familiar with veterinarian offices in the area but if not, you can find all local vet offices online with a simple search. Read reviews and ask friends or family members if they have suggestions or opinions of local vets so you can find the right doctor for your cat. Your veterinarian will get all your cat’s needs taken care of including shots, vaccines, and anything in between.

Having a reliable vet will help you out when making an emergency plan for your pet. Be sure to add phone numbers for your veterinarian and closest 24-hour animal hospital to your “in-case-of-emergency” call list.


Cat Owner Adjustments

Once your cat is home, be patient and let them move at their own pace. As the days go by, your cat will adjust to their new surroundings. Introduce your cat to friends and family but be cautious about how the cat will behave with new people and environments. You can even see if your cat is interested in the outdoors or indoors more. There can be safe alternatives if you have an enclosed porch or patio. Leash training has also become a common trend among cat owners.

Do you have a new feline pet? Let us know by tagging #VetSelect on Instagram.


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