Pet Positive Resolutions for Your New Year


It is a new year and that means, it is time to set some new goals! You may have a set of your own personal goals but why not include your pet in your new year, new you attitude. When you make your own list, you may find out your pet's goals and your own goals are not so different. Here are five resolutions to kick off your new year with your best friend.

Walk the Walk

Do not let your dog lose that pep in their step as they stroll down the street! Help your dog and yourself on the path to ultimate health by hitting your step goal on the daily basis. Make yourself a daily goal, some people use a watch or their phone to track progress, hit those steps with your pup. This resolution will give you some more initiative to take your pet outside for longer walks that are not just bathroom breaks. Exercise releases endorphins that make us and dogs feel energetic and lively. Your dog will appreciate the quality time.

Smile More

Keep those pearly whites sparkling and that puppy breath tamed with daily doggy teeth brushings. Tackling the task of dental hygiene practices with your pet can take some adjusting; start by getting them into a nightly brushing routine. When you are doing before bed prep, invite your four-legged roommate to join in the self-care process. Before you starting brushing, talk to your veterinarian at your next visit. Your vet should be able to guide you on what products with help your pup and even offer tips on how to keep them comfortable. Daily brushings help to eliminate tartar, prevent dental disease, and protect your pet’s health.

Socialize, Socialize, Socialize

The new year is the perfect time to try new activities as well as make new friends and memories for you and your pet! If your pet is new to this, start simple with excursions to pet friendly retail stores, new parks, and breweries or restaurants. Be sure to bring their favorite toy or treats to distract your dog if they begin to show signs of discomfort. More outings will help with your pet’s socialization skills! Once you have mastered simple outings, start looking for classes or sports to enroll your dog in. Then when you start to meet like-minded pet parents, you can finally schedule playdates for your pet. You and your pet will be grateful for the new memories and friends!

Strike a Pose

You know your pet is cute! You probably have thousands of photos on your phone of them sleeping, eating, smiling, or playing. Why not schedule a professional photoshoot for your pet? This will allow you to keep some high-quality photos of your pet. You might be surprised to find that pet photographers can be very affordable; all you need to do is a little research in your area. Dress up for the shoot and coordinate with your pet! Be sure to frame the masterpiece and send the shots to family and friends. These photos will be treasured for a lifetime!

Eat Right

You must eat well to live a full life and what your pet eats is just as important! Just like humans, every pet is unique in what they need in their diet and regimen. Talk to your vet about options and the surprisingly affordable Veterinary Select pet food. There are several options tailored for your dog’s special needs. The best nutrition does not always have to break the bank. Above all, keep in mind that your dog can't choose for themselves; they trust and depend on you to choose the right food for them. Make this year count!


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