How to Find the Right Pet Trainer for You


A good trainer is a staple for all new pet parents looking to teach and shape the mind of the new addition to their family, but how does one find the perfect teacher for their furry friend? There are certain traits to examine and questions to ask when you are in the market for a trainer. Unfortunately, finding a trainer is not as easy as a simple Google search, your dog has their own unique needs. Here are key things to keep in mind to find the right fit for your pet’s goals.

Type of Training

Finding the right dog trainer will keep you from any growing pains later down the road. Whether you are a new parent looking for basic training, a foster parent looking to improve behaviors, or a sport enthusiast looking to involve your pet in new activities, you will need a teacher with the proper skills. What skills do you want your pet to have? Do you want your pet to learn the basics, a new skill or sport, or overcome negative behavior? Most trainers specialize in different skill sets so for the most impactful results, find a trainer that matches your goals.

A lot of facilities use clickers for reinforcement during classes. Before you sign up for classes, start by training your dog to recognize their clicker. You can pick one up at almost any pet store. Begin training by clicking after positive behavior and follow the click with a reward. Teach your dog early that the sound of the click means reward.

Classic Trainer Phrases and Words

  • Alpha

  • Obedience

  • Commands

  • Master

Positive Trainers Phrases and Words

  • Positive reinforcement

  • Cues

  • Positive methods

  • Clicker training

Trainer Qualifications

You will have a better chance of finding the perfect trainer for your pet the more you research and the more questions you ask potential trainers. Pet training is an unregulated industry, which means anyone can enter the market. Ask your options about their training background as well as any credentials or certifications they may have. Did they learn through an apprenticeship? Were they self-taught or were they formally trained? It comes down to what you are comfortable with in a trainer. Be sure to look at reviews, recommendations, and social media comments from past clients.

Continuous Education

The trends and techniques of dog training are changing and advancing every year, just like in any profession. You will want to make sure that the trainer you choose works to keep up with the newest industry practices. Trainers can typically attend events, conferences, and courses to maintain their education. There is often a new certificate program on the market as well. Enthusiasm to continue learning innovative approaches shows commitment to providing excellent education to four-legged pupils.

The Right Environment

Just like humans, not all dogs can learn and thrive in a group setting. Some dogs require one-on-one attention and instruction. Your dog may be more equipped for one type of environment than the other. Basic commands are typically easy in group lessons, but if your dog is prone to more problematic behaviors, they might require more planning and more attention. Is your dog easily distracted? Is your dog competitive? Does your dog already follow instructions well? Does your dog have social anxiety? Trainers typically offer the option of group classes and private lessons depending on your dog’s needs.

Class Observation

The best way to form an opinion of a trainer is to witness them in action. Before you decide, observe classes at the training center of your choice or contact freelance trainers to ask for permission. There is nothing like seeing them work, even after research and conversations with your trainer options. If you continue to have difficulties finding the right fit, talk to your veterinarian. Your vet can be a great resource and should be able to provide some local recommendations. From advanced training to basic obedience training, the right trainer can make all the difference.


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